Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Social Media Profile

1. Google doc is a sharing venue.
2. The contacts are 7.
3. The time varies from 2 min to check an e-mail to an hour when editing or adding to an existing document that is being shared between my group members. I also use it as a substitute for a Word document if I do not have Word program at the time.
4. I upload photos that will be used as examples in assignments. I use it mostly for assignments as text document. The content were basically summarizing and debating about the effectiveness of advertising agencies or advertisements such as Amnesty International.

1. YouTube is a share avenue.
2. I have no followers or subscribers.
3. I use it mainly for listening and accessing songs and music videos quickly and that are recent. Also to browse for song lyrics.
4. I use it mainly for finding new songs to add my playlists so that I can find songs easily and it can be saved. I do not have to keep remembering it constantly.

1. Ebuddy messenger is a discuss venue.
2. 73 contacts.
3. I spend 1-2 hours chatting with friends to even staying online so that my friends can contact me or leave messages even if I am away from the computer.
4. Chat, messaging, to discussing and asking questions about assignments to my peers. I also use it to keep in contact with friends and family that are not near.

1.Facebook is a social network venue.
2. 112 contacts.

3. The time varies. It can be 5 min to check my message, to update status, to changing profile pic, to scanning what my friends are up to, or reading my horoscope. Then it can be to 20 min to hour(s) with chat conversations to writing messages. This includes uploading pictures to even commenting and looking at pictures.
4. The content includes photos to comments. It includes likes. It includes to confirming or not to events. It also includes to commenting and giving my opinion on videos or photos that I am tagged in. It includes photos of trips to family events, friends, and other occasions.

1.eBlogger is a publish venue.

2. I have no followers.

3. I spend hour(s) to upload photos and creating content for my blog post.

4. The content includes photos to screenshots. I have definitions with websites, art works, and photos as examples. It also serves a diary of my thought process, ideas, concepts, and steps that I took from initial of the project to the end of it. I also have design pieces such as logo image to layout of website. It also has colour guides to font styles. It has product shots. It has places that are familiar and unfamiliar. It has my experiences, opinions, and what skills and theories that I have learned and are deconstructing. It also has storylines to mindmaps to even lessons that summarize what we learn in class such as principles and techniques of design. It has feminist and avant-garde theories and my reflection and discourse.

5. I declined invitations to be part of networks of friends of my friends on Windows Live Messenger. I do not like anyone to have access to my network when I do not know them.
I declined to be a member of certain organizations that I can be joined to such as buying tickets from TicketMaster. It is more junk mail that I will not look at and will not be interested in and will waste my time.

6. I use YouTube the most because it is amusing to see people to do funny, stupid, random, or normal things that are everyday life. I have access to the latest songs within a short time and convert it to download it. I can find the song more likely on YouTube because someone will have uploaded it versus other downloading programs such as FrostWire that are not popular, especially with LimeWire down. I can watch episodes of tv shows that I missed. I can learn dance moves to even dance styles.

7. Social media plays a prominent role in my day to day life because it helps me to socialize with my friends from my home and keep in contact with them especially when schedules are hectic and different. It helps me to feel connected to people which I know I need and do not like being alone for a long time. It makes me feel disconnected from the world. It has a use to me such as YouTube because I love music and it is my music source. It helps to share and collaborate with other people such as on a blog and can be way to inspire and as a jump point for an idea. It leaves a digital footprint.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Interactivity: Techniques and Principles of Design

This is a screenshot of Word. The principle of tolerance is used here. The principle of tolerance is that it allows the user to be informed when they have made a mistake in a nice way that helps them fix their problem.

The Three Design Principles are:

  • Your design should be intuitive.

  • Expect the user to make mistakes.

  • Explain the rules.

Word helps the user to realize when they have made a mistake by underlining the words in green to indicate it is a grammar error or in red to indicate it is a spelling error. It allows you to access a dictionary to pick between a list of words that you are trying to spell. It also comes with undo and redo options for any mistakes that you make while using the program.

This is a screenshot of Powerpoint. The structure principle is used here. The structure principle uses organization and the chunking method to make it easier for the user to understand and to use.

The Three Design Principles that are used:

  • Group things effectively.

  • Uses colour appropriately.

  • Consistency.

It uses a mixture of icons and subheadings to group similar operations that the user will want to do. An example is that there are subheadings labeled: themes, charts, and tables. It uses colour as a way to make the subheadings and icons to stand out but not in a busy way to confuse the user.

This is a screenshot of Photoshop. The feedback principle is used here. The feedback principle informs the user when they have made a mistake or an action and communicates in a way that is easier for the user to understand what they are doing wrong and how to fix it. It does not punish them for making the wrong mistake.

The Three Design Principles that are used are:

  • Expect your user to make mistakes.

  • Explain the rules.

  • Do not make busy interfaces.

Photoshop has a help box that pops up when the user tries to do a task that the program is unable to register. It tells the user what they are doing wrong and sometimes how to fix it by giving them options. It also gives you a warning for a tool that will be hard for the program to undue.

This is a screenshot of IMindMap. It uses the principle of simplicity. The principle of simplicity uses a simple way of categorizing similar things together and keeping non-similar things together to make it easier for the user to find. It makes the interface much more consistent and easier to digest and read the information by scanning than to read and find the same information in detail and taking a longer time.

The Three Design Principles that are used are:

  • Navigation between major interfaces are important.

  • Navigation within the screen is important.

  • Set standards.

The tools that are needed in this software is organized in a simplistic way and keeps the page open, leaving only the essentials on the ribbon. You can edit your actions by easily going to different windows and selecting those options to fix and adjust.

This is a screenshot of Illustrator. The principle of visibility is used here. The principle of visibility is that it does not overload the page with too much information for the user to handle and easy access to commands.

The Three Design Principles that are used are:

  • Do not create busy interfaces.

  • Justify the data appropriately.

  • Group things effectively.

All the tools that the user needs to create their masterpiece is located on the right on the interface and uses icons that are familiar to the user that might have used similar design programs such as Photoshop. You can open more tool windows or even move them around to give yourself more real estate. You can add that window to other windows that are open and they snap and fit together to form one column. Also you can minimize or close windows to give yourself more space, less busy, and more clean-looking approach.

This is a screenshot of Excel. The principle of reuse is used here. It repeats the same operations and behaviours so that the user can become more familiar with the program over time and it becomes intuitive.

The Three Design Techniques:

It groups different functions so that they are easier to find. It copies all the features from previous software such as the charts and tables that you can find in Powerpoint. This helps to keep a flow and familiar language for the user to recognize since it is used in other programs. This allows the user to access their commands more easier and faster and can do shortcuts, if the same shortcuts apply to cut down on the workload. Each tab has similar pastel colours to not confuse the user and to make things that are different separated and to create contrast. eg. light background with black font type.

Sports Logo

This is my first screen shot. Some of the problems that I had was that some parts were intricate to trace and would have helped to zoom in more. The layers such as the teeth and the lining of the mouth should have been united with pathfinder tool to create one shape and for the layers to be consistent. Some parts you will see that the tracing of other layers either overlap or that there are gaps with the layers especially it is more apparent with the colours.

This is when I started to add colour to certain parts. This is when I had to figure out what will be behind and what will be in front such as the marks on the face to bring forward. It took some time to plan it out because with paper and pen, you are drawing it and colouring it with that in mind of what to cast shadow, highlights, foreground, and background. It was a different mindset that took some time to get used to. The one paw and claw on the right side is much more successful once I got a hang of bringing what to the front and back and thinking of shapes more. The other paw shows my initial progress and that I should have traced the yellow part as one shape than individual shapes to bring to the foreground. Also the paw is mainly blue and I could have traced it as one shape that was in the background.

This is my final screenshot and end result. It came out much better than I expected and I learned more to focus on what to bring to the front and back. It was easy to do the stroke with the colour of the fill with the shapes to unify the shapes and colour and to have consistency. I am proud of this work because it was my first time to actually really put the lessons and tools we learned in class to practise and that I have some skill at Illustrator (considering I have never used Illustrator before) with the time that we spent in class and working on this logo. Also the colours and the shapes are similar to the original, which what was why I liked and chose this logo. So I nailed at least that aspect.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


BENCH..fits your everyday being stylish, to being comfy, to being sophisticated, to a night out or just that you like it or it's the trend..find your reason to love Bench as others have done. My roommates and I and people I know are a testament to that. Get your own Bench and show it off and love it!