Monday, November 21, 2011

Sports Logo

This is my first screen shot. Some of the problems that I had was that some parts were intricate to trace and would have helped to zoom in more. The layers such as the teeth and the lining of the mouth should have been united with pathfinder tool to create one shape and for the layers to be consistent. Some parts you will see that the tracing of other layers either overlap or that there are gaps with the layers especially it is more apparent with the colours.

This is when I started to add colour to certain parts. This is when I had to figure out what will be behind and what will be in front such as the marks on the face to bring forward. It took some time to plan it out because with paper and pen, you are drawing it and colouring it with that in mind of what to cast shadow, highlights, foreground, and background. It was a different mindset that took some time to get used to. The one paw and claw on the right side is much more successful once I got a hang of bringing what to the front and back and thinking of shapes more. The other paw shows my initial progress and that I should have traced the yellow part as one shape than individual shapes to bring to the foreground. Also the paw is mainly blue and I could have traced it as one shape that was in the background.

This is my final screenshot and end result. It came out much better than I expected and I learned more to focus on what to bring to the front and back. It was easy to do the stroke with the colour of the fill with the shapes to unify the shapes and colour and to have consistency. I am proud of this work because it was my first time to actually really put the lessons and tools we learned in class to practise and that I have some skill at Illustrator (considering I have never used Illustrator before) with the time that we spent in class and working on this logo. Also the colours and the shapes are similar to the original, which what was why I liked and chose this logo. So I nailed at least that aspect.

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